Ginormo Sword Wiki

The Krakens are a race of squid that live in the great inland sea. Krakens are massive, and have up to eight long tentacles which they use for both mobility and defense.

Their tentacles are capable of more than strangulation, however - they can harness the power of the seas in the Vortex attack, which sends a whirlpool in the player's direction. Whirlpools are much larger than Missiles, and great care should be taken to steer well clear of their flight path.

Krakens make extraordinarily tasty dishes, particularly the rarer kinds, and so a large fishing industry thrives in this Area centered around them.


Kraken as seen in the Library
Vital statistics
Name Kraken
Family Kraken
Level 1
Element Water
Health 800
Jewel Aquamarine
Home Fishery, Area 7

A green squid. Green Kraken meat is often used for animal feed - it is too bitter and often too leathery for human consumption.

Sea Bishop[]

Sea Bishop
Sea Bishop
Sea Bishop as seen in the Library
Vital statistics
Name Sea Bishop
Family Kraken
Level 2
Element Water
Health 10x
Jewel Aquamarine
Home Fishery, Area 7

A slightly rarer blue squid. It is called the Sea Bishop because its oils are used in lamps - Sea Bishop oil burns very slowly and gives off a noticeably brighter flame. The highest-quality oils have a flowery scent to them as well, but a flask of this class of oil can cost in the millions of Gold.


Neptune as seen in the Library
Vital statistics
Name Neptune
Family Kraken
Level 3
Element Water
Health 100x
Jewel Aquamarine
Home Fishery, Area 7

A red squid. It has four eyes instead of two, though what advantage this provides is unknown. Neptune oil is becoming increasingly popular as a flavoring, and is sometimes used to assist in cooking.


A Leviathan launching a Vortex
Vital statistics
Name Leviathan
Family Kraken
Level 4
Element Water
Health 1000x
Jewel Aquamarine
Home Fishery, Area 7

A silver squid with six eyes. Leviathans are harvested for the grand delicacy known as Calamari - tentacles, or thin slabs of meat, either cooked or breaded and deep-fried. The result is a stringy, but very delicious appetizer or main course (particularly with slabs). One Leviathan could supply a restaurant for months on end - the problem is Leviathans are very difficult to kill and retrieve.
