Ginormo Sword Wiki

The Goblins are a green humanoid race which specializes in the magic arts. Unlike their cousins, the Orcs, Goblins are introverted and tend to look after their own affairs, without fighting many wars abroad. Their primary territory lies east of the Orcs, in the great Shelterbelts of the south coast.

Goblins are the first enemy which fight back against the player. From time to time, a Goblin will launch a Missile attack directly at the player. Otherwise, they move slowly and make easy targets.


When Goblins are first encountered, they will be quite dangerous, as the player will only have 1 Vitality and no additional armor or other equipment. Use the Katana and try to hit them with the tip of the blade. This way, if the Goblin you're attacking fires a Missile, you can step out of the way in time. Bear in mind that without the Buckler Shield, being hit by any attack while swinging the sword is fatal. Focus on dodging first, attacking only when the coast is clear.

Goblin Shaman[]

Goblin Shaman
Goblin shaman
A Goblin Shaman casting a Missile
Vital statistics
Name Goblin Shaman
Family Goblin
Level 1
Element Wind
Health Very Low
Jewel Emerald
Home Shelterbelt, Area 2

When a Goblin first enters into magic, he becomes a Shaman. Strictly speaking, a Shaman has very few magical abilities, and only then they are focused by years of training and meditation. For a Shaman to be out in the field requires at least six years of intense studies.

Goblin Enchanter[]

Goblin Enchanter
Goblin enchanter
A Goblin Enchanter casting a Missile
Vital statistics
Name Goblin Enchanter
Family Goblin
Level 2
Element Wind
Health Low
Jewel Emerald
Home Shelterbelt, Area 2

When a Shaman has perfected his basic spells, he dyes his brown robe purple to signify his graduation to Enchanter. The average Enchanter is powerful enough to concentrate high amounts of magic energy into one place, that other Goblins, or even allied races, can use them. The Goblins have a number of these Supply Bases throughout their realm, and so the Enchanter is an important part of the local economy.

Goblin Warlock[]

Goblin Warlock
Goblin warlock
A Goblin Warlock casting a Missile
Vital statistics
Name Goblin Warlock
Family Goblin
Level 3
Element Wind
Health Medium-Low
Jewel Emerald
Home Shelterbelt, Area 2

A Warlock has mastery over magic - at least compared to most beings in the local area. Nevertheless, Warlocks are extraordinarily dangerous, and are not killed easily. Without a large sword, any foe will find it a challenge to eliminate the red-robed Warlock.


Mabu dodges out of the way of a Cross Napalm
Vital statistics
Name Mabu
Family Goblin
Level 4
Element Wind
Health Medium-High
Jewel Emerald
Home Shelterbelt, Area 2

Mabu is the oldest and wisest of all the Goblins. While not much of a military leader, he is a skilled diplomat across tribes and races. His magic abilities aren't what they used to be, but he is no less agile than any other Goblin, and can hold his own in battle. It would be wise not to engage without a screen-sized weapon.
